The Order Of The Gilded
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DragonFable Empty DragonFable

Post  Dasthur Thu Jul 02, 2009 9:18 am


After AdventureQuest gained popularity, Artix Entertainment began development of another game, DragonFable, also set in the world of Lore, but five years before the beginning of AdventureQuest. DragonFable uses far more advanced graphics than AdventureQuest had at the time DragonFable was first created and also becomes more advanced over time, but does not have a server cap that prevents players from playing until there is an open place on the server. Like AdventureQuest, DragonFable players can upgrade their characters to become Dragon Amulet holders, and receive special in-game benefits.

Posts : 68
Join date : 2009-07-01
Age : 32
Location : Shadow's Fail.

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